SACARIK is a website that is used by the admin as a medium to publish all writings to the general public, be it in the form of knowledge, experience, or imagination.

WEB sacarik was built because of my desire to be able to document a number of things in a text that can be read later.

This WEB is available in Indonesian, Sundanese and English. Writing in Sundanese consists of a Latin script version and a Sundanese script version. For discussions about Sundanese culture, it will be written first in Sundanese language and Sundanese script. for about the notes maybe it will be written in Indonesian.

For suggestions and input or others, you can contact me through contacts and social media such as personal Instagram, Instagram sacarik, Twitter or email to [email protected].

Regarding this website, it will always be updated if there are changes.

Oh yes, this blog was built using SSG HUGO and hosted on Gitlab Pages, and this web theme uses the HBS theme.